OUI Inc., announced today that our medical device Smart Eye Camera (SEC), a smartphone attachment which functions as a conventional slit-lamp microscope and able to record the ophthalmological images and videos, has got listed in the Valued Supplier List of the International Agency of the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), for the first time as the medical device from Japanese corporate.
About IAPB
The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) is the peak body for the global eye care sector. IAPB has over 150 members worldwide drawn from NGOs and civil society, corporate organisations, professional bodies and research and eye care institutions.
IAPB was founded in 1975 to lead international efforts in blindness prevention activities. They work towards a world where no one is needlessly visually impaired, in which everyone has access to the best possible standard of eye health, and eye care is a core part of Universal Health Coverage.
IAPB works alongside the World Health Organisation (WHO) in prevention of blindness, and is promoting the WHO newly published World Report on Vision( ), which is being launched in a number of countries during 2020.
The IAPB Standard List / Valued Supplier List( ), which SEC is listed on, is a platform managed by IAPB to source and compare eye health products and technologies for eye care professionals to identify and purchase high-quality eye care equipment at the right price. The List provides only products carefully evaluated by IAPB.
It is the first time for a medical device from Japanese Corporate to be in the Valued Supplier List by IAPB.
Blindness continues to remain a major problem worldwide. WHO announced that at least a billion people have a visual impairment that can be prevented or has yet to be addressed. Over half of these blindness incidents were caused by cataracts.
We find a large possibility for SEC to overcome this issue, enabling eye diagnosis anywhere with its portability and easiness to handle.
Starting from this collaboration, we will seek further possibilities for collaboration/partnership with IAPB, thereby we aim to achieve our vision; to overcome 50% of the world blindness by the year 2025 with SEC.
IAPB website:
Product Brochure:
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VP of Global Business, OUI Inc.